Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Watching the world go by...

Life in the Piazza by Juli
Just whiling the hours away over a cup of coffee is an everyday event in the Town of Ferentino. Chatting endlessly for hours as obsessed by the weather as the British and that is saying something!

Time just rolls by in this hilltop ancient town. Come and join us from May 10th - 15th and be a part of this living history. You may book one of our valuable places online directly at www.regonline.co.uk/ferentino2009

Life in Ferentino by Juli...

Award Winning Images by Juli

I think people love traveling to Italy just to absorb the rich culture of a land and people steeped in history.

Our 'Inspirational Adventure' in Ferentino is all about capturing precious moments and snippets of life before they disappear into the mist of history.

From the old ladies contemplating outside their homes to the men of the town watching life go by, playing cards and sharing fond memories of the days of their youth. That is the rural life of hidden Italy.

So come and share that experience with us and help record it before it is no more than a distant memory.

All about Suzette & Jon...

Suzette Allen & Jon Yoshinaga
Suzette Allen is a professional photographer (celebrating her 25th year) and has become a dynamic instructor of digital imaging for the last 8 years. She now instructs with her husband, Jon Yoshinaga, and spends half of her time traveling and teaching all over the United States and abroad. Suzette is currently the “Photoshop Expert” on Shootsmarter.com, a resource site dedicated to helping photographers.

Jon Yoshinaga writes the monthly “Technical Articles for the Non-technical.” Together, they make a fun, down-to-earth team that simplifies and streamlines digital imaging to work smoothly, efficiently and painlessly.

Suzette is best known for her ability to simplify Photoshop and make even complex topics easy to understand, as well as being an accomplished graphic designer, creating templates and tools for many photographers and organizations

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

All about Juli...

Juli-Ann Cialone
Started as an award winning amateur photography, winning the Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Awards, Good Housekeeping’s Annual Photo Contest (3 years in a row), Popular Photography’s Annual Photo Contest (with image landing on cover) and American Photo magazine’s Annual Photo Contest, among others.

Juli went on to establish a highly esteemed professional photography studio, Cialone Photography in 1996, first working from home and then in 2002, purchasing an 1800’s farmhouse to create as her studio. Juli's work has continued to win professional awards locally, nationally and internationally. She has lectured not only amongst her peers, but also in the community, reaching out to teach high school students to soccer moms to amateur photographers.

Juli is regarded by many of her clients and peers as an extremely caring photographer and has established the Images to Inspire Program, giving families of potentially terminally ill children free photography sessions, prints and albums. In 2008 Juli has made a great impact on the European as well as the US lecture circuit, bringing youth, energy and sass to the stage and together with Martin will take the worldwide stage by storm in 2009.

All about Martin...

FMPA, FRSA, FSWPP, FBPPA, QEP, Hon.FMPA, Photographer and Fine Artist etc.
Past National President of the United Kingdom Master Photographers Association
Past Chairman of the Admissions and Qualifications Board
Course Director – “Illuminatus” The Academy of Photography
Past Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) Director
European Nik Software Evangelist and lead Training Specialist
Nikon UK Trainer and Evangelist
Wacom Evangelist (Spain)
Independent Training Consultant to the SWPP & BPPA, originator and service provider of the ‘Mentor Me’ scheme
International Lecturer and Judge, Consultant and Educator of Professional Photographers Worldwide

With a career spanning nearly 30 years covering many aspects of Professional Photography including Industrial, Commercial, Automotive, Advertising, Fashion, Editorial, Wedding photography & Portraiture.

Over almost the entire period of his professional career he has been actively engaged in the training of photographers from the four corners of the globe covering every major discipline. A highly respected trainer and judge with the Fuji Professional School of Photography, the Kodak European Gold Circle and many of the worlds leading representative bodies.

From 1988 – 2002 Martin operated a highly successful high street studio from a 17th century Grade 2* listed property in Warwick drawing clients from all over the world to his distinctive and exclusive style. In August 2002 he moved with his family to southern Andalucia, Spain to develop his ideas for the continuous professional development of photographers worldwide.

Martin is still a Photographer with a mission. His most recent venture is into the world of ‘Fine Art’ images for publication and exhibition. The founder of “Illuminatus” the Academy of Photography, he is retained as a consultant by numerous key companies in the UK & European photographic sector and sponsored by many as an endorsement of his skills, achievements and abilities as a professional trainer and powerful advocate.

He is the author and administrator of the ‘Mentor Me’ programme for the SWPP & BPPA - the world’s fastest growing representative organisation for current and aspiring professionals. In addition Martin has also designed and delivered specialist ‘hands on’ social photographic training programmes for the SWPP and other International Photographic organisations in more than a dozen countries as an extension of his Academy’s Curriculum.

Inspirational Adventures - it's what we do!

In the first of an innovative series of photographic training programmes aimed at those who simply love their photography a team of leading professionals will be on their way to Italy in the late Spring of 2009.

This 5 day ‘Inspirational Adventure’ is to be held in the beautiful village of Ferentino just south of Rome and will feature hands on ‘Masterclasses’ leading to a documentary style project in which at the peak of the event each one of the delegates will be assigned to creatively record a day in the life of one of the villagers. To mark the occasion a selection of each participants images will be featured in a commemorative book and exhibition to be gifted to Ferentino later in the year.

With an interesting and varied program the students will be kept busy and wanting for more. There will be Masterclasses on technique and theory to prepare everyone for a very exciting time. Also featured will be a “Challenge” which has been designed to test the skills and stretch the mind ready for the main event. Demand will be high for a limited amount of places on this innovative event.

The course will run from the 10th – 15th May 2009 and will be led by leading International lecturer and trainer Martin Grahame-Dunn from the UK and Juli-Ann Cialone a PPA Master Photographer from Rochester, New York, USA. Martin has been training photographers worldwide for more years than he would care to remember and is highly respected by his students, peers and impressive array of industry leading name sponsors. Juli is an impressive and inspirational photographer and trainer and is the winner of the Professional Photographers of America’s ‘Photographer of the Year’ and ‘Album Photographer of the Year’ for both 2006 and 2007 together with a host of other accolades. Our guest trainer is highly respected professional & Photoshop expert, Suzette Allen who is quickly gaining recognition as one of the leading instructors of digital imaging, teaching others how to master the tools of Photoshop! Suzette has helped many photographers survive the Digital Dive with her beginning and intermediate level Photoshop classes, “Digital Discoveries”.

Martin & Juli have already formed an effective training partnership that offers so much in the way of education, information, innovation, creativity and let’s not forget, just a little light entertainment too! Both are totally dedicated to sharing their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm with anyone who simply loves their photography. Martin has been responsible for training and shaping the careers of so many aspiring as well as seasoned professional photographers all over the world. This is just a further step in his journey of discovery and with Juli close by, sparks are sure to fly.

Suzette has been a professional portrait photographer for 21 years, but has become a dynamic instructor of digital imaging and now spends half of her time traveling and teaching all over the US and abroad. Suzette is currently the “photoshop expert” on ShootSmarter.com, a resource site dedicated to helping photographers and also writes articles for The Society for Wedding and Portrait Photographers in the UK. She is best known for her digital composites and images with text additions, as well as her graphic design skills in the photographic community.
Already with the backing of NPC and several other major companies this new venture is primed to become a resounding success. There are a limited amount of places due to the nature and content of the program, so for further information please email Martin and Juli at info@inspirationaladventures.net

The special price price of only $3499.00 USD includes all tuition, accommodation, meals with soft drinks, transfers to and from Rome”s Fiumincino Airport but excludes Flights and holiday insurance. You may book online directly at www.regonline.co.uk/ferentino2009
Further “Inspirational Adventures” are already at the advanced planning stage in several locations including Mexico, Cuba, South Africa, Malta & Sicily.

Prospective students can register their interest by contacting Martin at info@inspirationaladventures.net